Professional Career Coaching

Coaching for Ph.D. Researchers in STEM

I help researchers of color navigate STEM careers, from early in graduate school to moving to an industry job. Fill out the form below to request a free 30-minute initial 1:1 video call and choose which services (applications, job talk/interview/resume, school or workplace networking) suit you the best.

“I hate writing.”

People said things like this to me when they found out I write about science, whether they said it out loud or in their heads.

The truth is, writing is just the culmination of something bigger — it’s part of your thoughts, motivations, identity, and stories.

Although the rise of generative AI and ChatGPT reduces the burden and burns of writing tasks—job and grant applications, performance reviews, opinion writing, or competition descriptions, to name a few—if your stories are no longer authentic or sharp, it can diminish your professional brand.

So are the other forms of communication, such as speaking and networking either virtually or in person. I believe the professional development strategies and methods I developed during years of working in science as a scientist and a science communicator can help researcher of colors advance to their next level.

As your guide, I empower proficient STEM researchers with untapped creativity to show up authentically to your community. You will gain communication skills and mindset, and receive your well-deserved recognition, through leveraging my experience in media and science.

Services Tailored for Your Success:

  1. 1:1 Presentation Training:
    Prepare for important moments for presentations, interviews, and competitions with personalized coaching.

  2. Crafting Impactful Personal Statements:
    Nail your applications for grants, jobs, and unique opportunities by mastering the art of personal statement writing.

  3. Package of Verbal and Written Materials:
    Tailored for job hunters for academic and industry research roles, this comprehensive package ensures you tell your research and stories better, build a network with intention, and develop an online presence strategy.

Let’s Work Together!